Quality Policy

At AKEBLI we understand the importance of quality in the oil and gas sector, and we are dedicated to meeting and exceeding our client's expectations and committed to delivering high-quality services to our clients. We implemented a rigorous quality management system to ensure that all work is carried out to the highest possible standard through the following:

1. Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our services and products through ongoing review and evaluation. We will strive to implement best practices and innovative solutions to deliver better quality services and products.

2. Compliance

We comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards related to quality. We also maintain regular communication with our clients to ensure that we are meeting their specific quality requirements.

3. Employee Training and Development

We ensure that our employees are trained and developed to the highest standards, with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to deliver high-quality services and products. We provide training and development opportunities to ensure that our employees are up-to-date with the latest industry trends and practices.

4. Quality Management System

We have implemented a Quality Management System that conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001. This system is designed to ensure that our services and products are of the highest possible quality and that we meet and exceed our clients' expectations.

5. Customer Satisfaction

We are committed to understanding and meeting our clients' needs and expectations. We listen to our clients' feedback, evaluate their satisfaction levels, and take corrective actions to improve our services and products.

6. Risk Management

We identify and manage risks that could impact the quality of our services and products. We implement appropriate risk management strategies to ensure that we deliver high-quality services and products.

7. Measurement and Analysis

We use data and analysis to measure and improve the quality of our services and products. We set quality objectives and regularly review our performance against these objectives to ensure that we are meeting the highest standards.
